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​The Board of Directors of the Treasure Trove Giving Circle awarded six grants to C-FC for the 2022-23 school year, as follows:


1. Back to School Picnic Event: Funding of $376.28 for decorations and prizes for the Back to School Picnic event held in August of 2022. 

2. Homecoming Carnival Sign: Funding of $141.60 for a large welcome sign for the 2022 Homecoming Carnival, which made a very successful comeback after a several year hiatus, thanks to Ms. Fischer, the C-FC Family and Consumer Science Education Teacher.

3. Regional Aquaculture Conference: Funding of $720 for the registration fees to allow 8 junior high school students to attend the North Central Regional Aquaculture Conference in Eau Claire.  The conference was an educational enhancement for the students who had completed an independent project of building an aquaponics system after learning about it from a junior high science student teacher.

4. PBIS High School Reward Trip:  Funding of $690 to fund a trip to Bruce Mound Winter Sports Area to reward high school students who had maintained acceptable grades and demonstrated positive behavior.

5. Graduation Coins: Funding of $595.00 for graduation coins for graduating seniors to give to a person of their choice during graduation to recognize that person's inspiration and support to the growth and education of the graduate.

6. Lock & Dam and Boat Tour for Math Students: Funding of $526 for 11th and 12th grade math students to tour the lock and dam by boat and learn about water flow, Pascal's law and gravity as well as a tour of the inside of the lock and dam facility.



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