​The Treasure Trove Fund at Winona Community Foundation was established for the exclusive purpose of providing grants to the Cochrane-Fountain City School District to fund projects, programs or activities that cannot be supported by the district's annual budget.
The Treasure Trove Fund is a field of interest, which means that the donors get to recommend projects for funding, subject to final approval by the Winona Community Foundation Board. All grant applications will be reviewed by the C-FC Superintendent who will provide input as to whether the proposed project is something that would already be funded in the district's budget and whether the project complies with the school's policies and mission. The Treasure Trove Giving Circle Board of Directors will review all completed grant applications and make recommendations to the Winona Community Foundation Board for funding.​
What can be funded?
The initial Board of Directors of the Treasure Trove Giving Circle will be developing more specific guidelines and priorities for grants to the school. However, in general, requests within the following categories would be considered appropriate requests for funding: ​
Classroom innovation grants to enhance student learning
Teacher and staff recognition (as a group; no cash awards allowed)
Professional development and training
Special speakers and performances
Equipment and supplies
Capital improvements, expansions, or additions
Although there are no set limits on the dollar amount per grant, grants in the $500 to $1,500 range will have a better chance of getting funded, as will those that serve a greater number of persons.
What cannot be funded?
Grants from a donor-advised fund have certain restrictions imposed by IRS Regulations, including that grant funds may not be used to satisfy a pre-existing financial obligation of the donor and that grants cannot be made to individuals (or to an entity for the benefit of a specified individual). Additional restrictions on the use of funds are imposed by school board policies, WIAA Regulations, applicable laws and bylaws and the donor-advised fund agreement. For example, a grant may not be used to pay a wage, salary or other compensation to any individually-named District employee, nor can it be used to pay for expenses mandated by state or federal authorities which are rightfully the responsibility of the school district. Applicants with questions about grant requests should contact the C-FC Superintendent at (608) 687-7771.